UnitedHomies is really good!
For good reason:

we’re OPEN
• UnitedHomies is for Everyone.
• Our mission is to support ALL Homeowners and Renters.

• UnitedHomies exists to build and support the Community.
• UnitedHomies is for the Members, not for profit*,
not for founders or investors.
• Our focus is to do good and ensure our Members benefit.

• UnitedHomies reinvests into operations and improvements.
Joining is free.
Asking for help is free.
Signing up for discounts is fair.
Supporting donations are always welcome.

we’re FAIR
• UnitedHomies is not profit driven*
• We never take a commission from the Home Pros or the Home Goods Sellers.
• Home centres charge when they send you ‘help’.
• UnitedHomies never charges the dreaded commission.
• So the price you pay is FAIR.

• UnitedHomies respects you and your right to privacy.
• Your information is NEVER sold or shared.
• We use only what is needed to help you.
• We do all we can to protect it.
• Spelled out in our privacy policy.

UnitedHomies IS GOOD!

*to be clear: UnitedHomies operates as part of a business corporation. We are not a registered charity or a non-profit company.
But we CHOOSE to act that way. Our priority is serving the Membership and the Community.

As a business corp, we have the agility to best deliver on this mission.